Active Learning Skills – Improved Academic Results for All Learners
“In finding solutions for education and socio-economic challenges, ignoring the importance and benefits of effective basic learning skills, is a critical mistake.“ – Ps. Christo van der Merwe
We expect our children to achieve and excel academically and in life. We want them to fulfil their every dream and aspiration. We want to be proud of their achievements. Therefor we invest thousands in their education. We buy our own peace of mind. But, as it turns out, that is not enough – and in most cases, it was not necessary. What our children need is a better understanding of the learning process.
They need a new approach to learning. Motivation. Skills. Techniques. Tools.
How could we possibly expect our children to live up to our expectations, without the skills, the necessary techniques and tools? Could anyone be expected to do their jobs to everyone’s satisfaction without any training… or the necessary “tools”?
It’s time to Inspire. Give Hope. Achieve Results. Change Lives.
One of the most critical challenges prioritised by most Governments today is Education, our youth, and the urgent need for improved academic results and lower drop-out rates.
Frameworks – a Local Business Driven solution that will not only improve academic results, but will positively change the lives of students, parents and teachers. It will change perceptions about “own” ability and restore hope. Hope brings higher aspirations and ambition, self-believe, confidence, discipline, perseverance, a positive attitude and the will to learn and achieve. Success breeds success!
The importance of Basic Learning Skills for ALL students
The education playing field is not equal for all learners. Socio-economic realities vary greatly with the vast majority of parents lacking the knowledge and financial means to adequately support the academic efforts of their children. Still, expectations exceed achievement. Peer and group pressure to “achieve” and thereby “fit” into the socially expected norms set by modern day society see our youth trying to escape these pressures through natural association into groups which share similar “fates”, attitudes and values – where they are socially more easily accepted and feel they are “supported” and “understood”. In certain of these groups learners are exposed to many other/new pressures and in many instances experiment with substances like drugs and may even get involved in criminal activities.
The lack of effective basic learning skills is a major contributing factor in student under-achievement, poor academic performance, which contributes to low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, rebelliousness, a lack of “purpose” and a negative attitude prevalent in many learners today. Learners (especially those under-achieving) suffer from anxiety, restlessness, avoidance reactions, procrastination and generally lose interest in their studies. The “will” to learn is eroded completely in a relative short period of time which is evident when looking at enrolment and drop-out statistics.
In finding solutions for education and socio-economic challenges, ignoring the importance and benefits of effective basic learning skills, is a critical mistake. It limits the results that could be achieved by students and undermines the enormous efforts made by schools and teachers despite the (limited) resources available to them.
Basic Learning Skills
It is an undeniable fact that proper knowledge and understanding of basic learning skills and the benefits thereof are sadly lacking in the majority students, parents and teachers alike.
No one program addresses the needs of ALL the role-players in the learning process. Skills programs are mostly confined to more affluent schools (in urban areas) where the need to support learners in this regard has been identified and such programs implemented to aid learners in their study efforts.
Programs like these are also pursued by parents outside of the schools-framework on an independent basis, in their effort to assist their own children in better coping with their studies and the academic challenges they may be facing.
Despite the high cost of most of these programs, limited success is achieved as there is no success in theory alone. The ongoing application by students of the skills learned to their studies are not monitored or ensured, resulting in students returning to their “old study habits” shortly after completing such courses/programs.
The comprehensive (full) version of the 2023 Learning Skills Guide is available at R189.95 as a stand-alone product. The comprehensive (full) version of the 2024 Learning Skills Guide is available at R239.95. A comprehensive version (2023 or 2024) is recommended when attending our Parent Seminars and is a prerequisite for joining our Frameworks Support Group on Facebook.
The digital “Compact” version of the Frameworks Learning Skills Guides (Afrikaans and English) and the Summary Booklet are available for download by Parents, Teachers and Students. Just visit your school or local MAD PARTNER listing in either the WebOdex or Where to Stay directories to download!
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